Week 7 Enhancement Wk (Mentees Multi-modal exhibition)

The first year students (mentees) successfully put on a display of their learning journey as students in a multi modal exhibition about formal and informal learning spaces at London Met. Their displays included collages like hand crafted crochet with background information, pictures, puzzles, comics, animated videos and creative 3D traditional cut out cardboards folded into tiny chairs and desks with little people sitting at them. Their work demonstrated creativity and the recognition of available facilities and spaces to promote students learning was a clear evident of their understanding on how to become a student. It was great to see mentors and mentees from different groups chatting about their presentation which showcased a feeling of accomplishment and pride amongst the mentees.

These are some examples of their artefacts that were on display! Amazing.

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All those present, (mentors, visitors and lecturers) were very proud of the first year students and most of us took photographs and wrote comments on each presentation. The effort and group collaboration shown was a clear display of hard work and the atmosphere was warm and welcoming with sweet treats for everyone to share. For me, the  event  was worth attending and I will like to say, “Well done to the mentees.”

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